I love Max Lucado. He is a master of teaching through stories. “Grace” is no different. Once again, Lucado does an excellent job taking Christian principles and making them simple but vivid. Max sums the heart of this book up well. “Grace is precious because he is. Grace changes lives because he does. Grace secures us because he will. The gift is the Giver. To discover grace is to discover God’s utter devotion to you…Does he stand high on a hill and bid you climb out of the valley? No. He bungees down and carries you out… This is the gift that God gives.”
If grace is an idea that is foreign to you or has become dull, pick up this book. Lucado paints Biblical stories in modern day creativity- making you think about the original story a little bit differently. I highly recommend this book, because grace is a concept we all need to deal with, whether we believe in God or not.